Ok, so you know how that little "About Me" section to the right over there says that I like to cook healthy food for my family?
I lied.
I love to cook. Really I do. But healthy food all the time? How boring! I know, I know, if you use fresh and organic ingredients, healty food is just as delicious as its more deadly counterparts, but come on! Sometimes, you have to splurge.
Seriously, let's just say that the food you eat did not influence your health in any way. No heart problems, no high cholesterol, no diabetes, no drooping energy levels, no obesity, nothing. Let's just say that you can eat what you want without it hurting you. At all.
Now that we've established that glorious phenomenon, if you were given a choice between two plates of food - one piled high with french fries and a double cheeseburger (the kind with BBQ sauce and onion rings on it, praise heaven), the other consisting of celery, carrot sticks, hummus, a salad with no dressing, and maybe an apple - which would you choose?
DUH! Bring on the greasy cheeseburger and don't skimp on those onion rings under the bun! I like hummus as well as the next girl, but come on! There's a reason Americans are the most obese people in the world. We invented the cheeseburger! Heaven on a plate! Seriously.
Sadly, we must be cautious of the foods we consume. I think the epitome of the obesity epidemic in America can be summed up by changes on Sesame Street. Remember Cookie Monster? His favorite food - and all we viewers ever saw him consume - was, obviously, cookies. Now what does he say about his former obsession? "Cookies are a sometimes food."
Makes me want to cry.
Now, since you're not here for my food rantings, but for actual recipes, here is a recipe for a *sniff* "sometimes" food: Buttercream Frosting. Yum.
I got this recipe from http://www.bakerella.com/ - a fabulous site with some really cute baking ideas and recipes. I am, by no means, a baker at all, so the cake that I put under this delicious frosting was a box cake. Heinous, I know. Who has time for homemade cake AND frosting? On just a normal day? Not me.
Buttercream Frosting
1 cup (2 sticks) butter at room temperature
1 tsp vanilla
1 lb 10x powdered sugar
1-3 tsp milk, half and half, or cream
Using a mixer, cream butter and vanilla until smooth. Add sugar gradually, making sure that sugar and butter cream together before you add more. Add milk one teaspoon at a time until you get the right texture (I only used about 1 1/2 tsp). Add food coloring for desired color.
*WARNING!* For real, this frosting just about killed me. I have hypoglycemia, and eating this cake with this amazing frosting put me over the edge to not okay-ness. Really. So proceed with caution. Extreme yumminess awaits.
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